As you all know, we were able to fly to our beloved Malta and complete our fundraiser #Malta_2020 in September/October, after we had to cancel in May/June.

Needless to say, we are over the moon! We never expected this mindblowing result, especially not during the current crisis!

THANK YOU to everyone involved:

(1) All of our awesome partners and friends:

Cresta Dive Centre Malta

Neptunes Diving Malta

Eco Marine Malta

Gozo Adventures

Gozo Segway Tours

MC Adventure

and the newest member of the “Action” family Malta Segway Tours.

You all rock! And we seriously could not do any of this without your help, trust and support!

(2) to our dear friends Irena and Dieter, who joined us in Malta and took part in many of our activities! And no, this was not planned and we had so much fun!

(3) to  Back to Life themselves for sharing our posts and for their complete backing of our activities.

(4) and last but not least to all of you, our wonderful friends, for donating, sharing and cheering us on! You are truly the backbone of this group/initiative and without your support, we might have given up back in 2018, who knows… Of course, we already transferred all discounts to “Back to Life”.

Please click on #Malta_2020 – A fantastic experience for our gallery 😊

Auch in diesem Jahr waren wir auf Malta aktiv.

Viele tolle Tauchgänge, zwei Segway Touren, eine Paddeltour, eine Eco-Bootstour, Schnorcheln sowie mehre Müllsammelaktionen standen auf dem Programm.

Unverhoffte Unterstützung gab es von unseren Freunden Irena und Dieter, die kurzfristig zur gleichen Zeit vor Ort waren, und spontan bei vielen Aktionen mitgemacht haben.

Insgesamt kamen bei #Malta_2020 €1147 zusammen.

Ein großes Dankeschön geht an unsere Freunde vor Ort:

Cresta Dive Centre,

Neptunes Diving,

Gozo Adventures,

Gozo Segway Tours,

Eco Marine Malta,

MC Adventure

und Malta Segway Tours – die uns trotz der extrem schwierigen „Corona“ Situation, Reduktionen gewährt, und dadurch zum großartigen Gesamtergebnis beigetragen haben!

Bitte klickt auf #Malta_2020 – A fantastic experience für unsere Gallerie!