Hi friends! I have no idea why it’s taken me so long to update this website, but here we go.

Carmen and I are trying to go to Malta two times each year. And we are  really happy and grateful it – once again – worked out for 2023.

Our first trip was in May / June and it was a special one, as we started the long journey towards our PADI Dive Master Certification. Long, because we simply can’t take off 3 months in one go, like you would normally would; but fortunately we can split up the internship with Franca and Martin at Neptunes Diving Malta. But splitting it up, of course means, it will take us a total of at least 4 holidays to get there… Especially, as we also want to do some fun-dives with our friends at Cresta Dive Centre, and need some time to relax in between all the hard work, and I really mean hard work, as this one certainly is a physically challenging course, especially at our age. You should see some of the surprised looks we receive, when we are referred to as „Dive Master Trainees„; but this actually is a big part of the fun, and an extra challenge, too.

Starting the course was also one of the reasons why we did not want to go for an official funfraiser this time.

But nontheless our friends at Neptunes and Cresta surprised us with generous dispounts, so we happily transferred €269 to Back To Life after our return in late June.

A big, big Thank You to Franca, Martin, Charlie and Ray!!!
