At last… It is done: Our Best Of Nepal Slideshow!


We finally managed to pick our favourite photos of our first (and certainly not our last) Nepal experience! And to do the editing! So grateful for off-work Saturdays!

Btw, converting took more than 2 hours… so happy we succeeded without our netbook blowing up – poor thing!

Sorry for taking so long, but with the #MalteseCrossing having been just around the corner after our return, we simply did not have the time – or the nerves – to get this done…

Oh, and of course there is also something called WORK!

Please enjoy and feel free to share the link!

And YES, we will return to NEPAL!

Please click on this link to watch the video…

Best of Nepal 2015: The Slideshow

and don’t forget to suscribe to our YouTube-channel and to this blog!


Much Love and #Namaste!

Bea and Carmen xoxox